mowing down the grass ceiling - our segment on KING5 News
Originally published: April 28, 2016
Last month I had the opportunity to take KING5 Seattle to meet Linda Neunzig of Ninety Farms. She's one of those farmers that mowed down the proverbial grass ceiling. She has been farming vegetables and sheep for over twenty years, she is also the Snohomish County Agricultural Coordinator, and a single mom to two. No easy feat considering she was a rarity when she started out as a producer. She recalls times when a local farmer stopped by her farm to tell her she had no business as a woman being a farmer and that she should sell the farm. She shared how she fought long and hard to earn her seat at the table and have her voice heard in county agricultural policy and remembers often being the only woman at the meetings. Today she is still often the only woman at the meetings, but now she's the one running them.
I hope you enjoy our segment and the images I managed to take along the way.