SHE-I-O In Her Own Words: a behind the scenes look
The Female Farmer Project with our production partner, North by Northwest Studio, traveled to dairy country to create a series of mini-documentaries featuring Land O’Lakes female farmers and go behind the scenes on the Land O'Lakes Television Commercial and She-I-O music video shoot.
These three female farmers, Amanda, Lori and Candice are the next generation to run this family farm and are the inspiration behind the song, 'She-I-O', by Maggie Rose and Liz Rose. It was such a privilege to interview them to dig a little deeper and learn the joy and challenges of their every day jobs, and to really explore their dairy farming legacy.
"I always knew I wanted to be in a profession where I could help people," says Amanda, who helps her sisters deliver over 70,000 pounds of milk every day on their farm.
"The female voice in the ag industry is getting stronger." Lori is the feed manager at her family's dairy farm.
"I learned to give a cow an IV when I was 7 years old." And now Candice is the dairy manager at her 900-cow farm.
Behind, behind the scenes!
The weather was hot and humid with occasional thunderstorms - so we threw hats on and kept filming in-between squalls.